March 20, 2016

Attachment or Connection

You are important.  Understand that you are responsible for your value.  Two things that can add value or devalue you as an individual are: Attachments and Connections.  Although they may seem similar I assure you that they are different.

Attachments can be a condition, temporary, and particular.  With attachments come the gamble of emotions.  There is no control of the other and a lack of control of self.
Example: Sometimes we are attached to the wrong people. We may feel that we can relate to them or we have so much in common, but then feelings set in and we began to beckon at this person's every action or emotion.  That is an attachment. Let me say this NOT all attachments are bad.  Some things, people and experiences are meant to be temporary.

Connections-are relationships and links.  Have you ever heard someone say you're the link? That means that you have the ability to provide and connect that person with what it is they seek.  Some connections are good and some are bad.  Connections may have emotions involved, but connections also have deeper meanings and can also lead to the deepening of an energy or spiritual connection which goes beyond what we can see.  Its something that can not be explained.

"Lose all attachments to connect with your purpose"~ ARB

Sometimes it's difficult to relate to others.  What are you supposed to being doing in life? Where do you fit in the best? These questions are valid and you can only find the answers within.  Unfortunately, we attach ourselves to other people, places or things in order to find fulfillment.  You are already filled, it is just time to take off the lid and indulge in your purpose.  Connecting with your purpose means going beyond just doing what makes you happy, it's being and living your fulfillment.

It's easy to look at other people and believe that there is something that they have that you need, but what comes easy goes easy.  My purpose in life is different from yours no matter how similar they may seem.  Begin to look at your day to day with interest; interest in understanding what your purpose for the day may be.  Your daily purpose may differ from your life's purpose, but all in all it will complement the other.

Those attachments will offer you doubts, but your inward connection with wanting more for yourself will drive the doubt away.  Attachments will offer emotions, but your connection with your purpose will offer balance.

Look to be and you will be.  Be and you will live.  Be great always.

Peace and Love